As a writer, I have to heed the irrational; it's part of all fictional worlds. But as a musician, I need to counter irrational thoughts like 'I’ll never be able to master that solo', or 'My show ideas are all impractical.' I have to strike a balance between audacity and humility. If you want to reward that kind of creativity, check out my Paetron page here!
As a writer, I have to heed the irrational; it's part of all fictional worlds. But as a musician, I need to counter irrational thoughts like 'I’ll never be able to master that solo', or 'My show ideas are all impractical.' I have to strike a balance between audacity and humility. If you want to reward that kind of creativity, check out my Paetron page here!
As a writer, I have to heed the irrational; it's part of all fictional worlds. But as a musician, I need to counter irrational thoughts like 'I’ll never be able to master that solo', or 'My show ideas are all impractical.' I have to strike a balance between audacity and humility. If you want to reward that kind of creativity, check out my Paetron page here!